Our Ministry Teams

As a congregational church with the UCC, volunteer teams lead all the activities and needs of the church. From prophetic witness, community building, and even paying the bills, our community is made and sustained by our members.

Worship & Arts

The Worship and Arts team brings worship to life through their dedication to both practical and creative aspects of our services.

The Diaconate provides essential support, assisting with pastoral care, communion preparation and distribution, and other logistical elements of worship.

The Altar Guild ensures the sanctuary reflects the liturgical seasons through carefully chosen banners, decorations, and other artistic expressions, creating a visually meaningful space for worship and reflection.

Together, these teams deepen our worship experience and invite the congregation into a spirit of reverence and celebration.

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Faith Formation

The Faith Formation Ministry nurtures spiritual growth for all ages, with a focus on children, youth, and families.

They oversee weekly Sunday School for our youngest learners and Sunday Scholars for older kids, creating spaces for curiosity, connection, and faith exploration.

Beginning in 6th grade, youth are invited to participate in a dynamic youth group program that includes outdoor wilderness ministry, confirmation, Our Whole Lives (OWL) sexuality education, and Native ecology education.

Through these diverse offerings, the Faith Formation ministry inspires a lifelong journey of learning, community, and deepening faith.

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Congregational Life

Congregational Life fosters connection and community within our church family, coordinating hospitality and refreshments for fellowship hour after worship, creating a welcoming space for conversation and camaraderie.

This team also organizes church-wide events that bring members and friends together for celebration, service, and shared experiences.

Additionally, they discern and promote our special offerings, ensuring that our congregation generosity supports impactful causes.

Through their efforts, Congregational Life strengthens the bonds of our community and extends our shared mission beyond the sanctuary.

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The Trustees ensures the responsible stewardship of our church's financial and physical resources.

They oversee the creation and management of the annual budget and expenses, providing thoughtful guidance to support the church's ministries and operations.

Additionally, they care for our properties, including the church building and parsonage, ensuring these spaces are maintained and available for ministry and community use.

The Trustees' dedication sustains the foundation of our church's mission and ensures its vitality for future generations.

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Our Task Forces

Overseeing specific needs as they arise.

Support Group | Technology | Prayer Shawls | Publicity | Historian

Interested in our Ministries? Let us Know!

If you would like to join a ministry or if you have any questions, reach out!

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